Monday, September 7, 2009

KNN de Star Health Care

I think most of you guys have heard of this "Gua Gua Le" , this recently there's a new "advertising company" known as

Star Health Care

Last Fri, I was sleeping in the afternoon , then i got a msg from my housemate, supposingly she is going back to her hometown already , but she told me she's at Taman Desa .

I think that time I was a bit blur , somehow mix up Taman Desa and Setapak Desa, was thinking how come she is still at Wangsa Maju , then i phone her, then this is how the story begins.

While she was at Pudu wanted to buy bus tickets, she was stopped by a young 18 years old girl called Eva (You can kacau her at 016-3590300 ) , she call my housemate to open one envolope , then my housemate also blur blur open the stuffs.

Then Eva saw the paper and shouted that she has won prizes that is worth at least RM 7000 , and she say has to go back to their company to claim the prizes, need to scan dunno what code.

I think my housemate was somehow being spelled by some black magic or maybe 催眠 , she also blur blur follow the girl , stop the taxi , and head to Taman Desa , which is some where near to Mid Valley.

So they said that she has won a jed mattress, vacuum cleaner, home theatre system and one water energy system. But due to the taxes charged, she has to pay RM 4000 in order to claim all the prizes.. wa.. damn jialat ..

We're students ma , my housemate mana ada RM 4k , so she say she got no money , then they keep on asking how much did she has , she said less than 1k , then they really bring her paksa her to ATM and take the money which is like 900+ .

So what they give is a KenKo Water Energy System (they say worth RM2500 )

Then she also blur blur take the stuffs , take down all the company details and Chao..

I was like stunned when i heard all this , then faster phone up this company ( 03-79803151 ) , the Eva girl , the Lao Da Mr Yeoh ( 012 - 7201606 ) , Pioneer2u ( that is where they get their stock from ) , KenKo Company .

Kenko Company does claim that they really do advertise with Star Health Care , but Pioneer2u said they don't know this company.

At the end , a very simple conclusion has been made , she's been cheated !!

I phone up the Consumers Department and ask whether they know about this Star Health Care, wa..i haven't tell her anything she has already told me the whole story.

They usually target students especially girls. She call us to go to Consumers Claim Tribunal to claim the money back.

Here's another funny stuffs that has happened. We went to this Consumers Claim Tribunal, guess what , we're not the only victim , there's 3 person at there facing the same problem !! They deal with different people at different place , but using the same tactic , same company !!

Seems like my housemate is lucky in some way , she gave only 950 , the other girl gave RM3000 , and the other one , worse , gave his whole semester tuition money RM 5800 , damn jialat man!!

So you guys , when you get to hear people from


Grab their hand and shout "PENIPU PENIPU !!"

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