Thursday, March 24, 2011

My First Silver Invesment

It is 4.30am in the morning , I just finish my part of the assignment. I'm that late because I sleep before 9pm and wake up around 2am , now I am all Energized (which is a bad thing in this middle of the night) !

By the way, if you notice, now my URL is no more

Now is

Weird logo, temporarily use it first

But anyway no worries, even if you type the old URL it's still going to be the same! 

By the way , back to the main topic, 


2oz Silver Perth Mint 

The Flip Side

I bought this silver from Auruma International.

The Alternative Investment Expert
I attended a talk by True North Asia , invited by Jonathan Quek last year December.

I think I was too free at that time, I can't remember what's the title of the talk, but I keep seeing this sentence like "If you think Gold is good, Wait till you see Silver".

So I was thinking, got people invest in silver one ar ? Haha.. this question perfectly shows my low knowledge and also my naive-ness.

And yes , there are people invest in silver, and it is expected to be one of the best investment in the recent years. Look at this video by Robert Kiyosaki (Author of Rich Dad).
When he was sharing in this video , silver was around RM 45 ($15)/oz at that time, and today right now I just check, it's already RM 113 ($37.37.) If people invested at the time when he was sharing this video, they might just made more than 100% right now, and expected to increase even more in the future.

It was really an eye-opener for me after attending the talk, I somehow realized so many stuffs and realized how deep shit that we are in financially, and the biggest problem is

We Don't Know We Are in Deep Shit

I did some research on Silver, bought the book "Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver" written by Mike Maloney. Gives me really lots of insights and stuffs that seriously don't know, or no one ever talk to me about it before.

So yeah , when all the considerations and research are done, actions has to be taken! Right after CNY , I take all my Ang Pow money (not so much also laa...) , buy silver!

I just got it today because today only I went and collect it. 

For more info, you can get it from , or True North Asia , basically is the same company anyway..haha..


  1. Perhaps I should start my investment in this as well! Thanks for the info. ;)

  2. Great article, thank you for sharing
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