Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Meeting With the HOD - UTAR

Today we have a meeting among all course representatives from Actuarial Science and Applied Mathematics with the HOD (Head of Department) - Setapak FES. However I believe it will be useful for Engineering student as well because it involves more facility stuffs.

It wasn't really a meaningful meeting ( seems like they're rushing to go somewhere) , but i hope this meeting will be useful , at least I will see some changes.

So , basically , after gathering so much info from our coursemates , this is what I proposed / comment / complaint . I will put parking at the last issue .

1. The bus to PV10 is too small, I request for either bigger / more bus
They said they will try and arrange a bigger bus for that area , however now UTAR is focusing MORE on Kampar and is adding a lot of buses at there, but they will try to arrange a bigger bus, because is very dangerous. Besides that, we have also requested that the bus will stop in front of PV10 , for student's safety sake, however I'm not sure when will this action will be taken.

2. Canteen issues :
i. Boss very guai lan and hao lian + lan c
Basically I don't think they're going to do anything about that , is either they pecat the fella and find another new canteen operator , or they stick to it
ii.The food very jialat , tasteless
They will try improve it , but guys , please do not expect much from this
iii.The chicken rice is dirty , please check
They say they will check on it
iv. More tables and chairs for canteen
They will add more chairs and tables in the canteen

I did comment that the canteen is "trying their very best" to add more variety of food , eg. Hotdog , but still instead of adding more variety ,I will prefer to go for more tasty food , then only variety

3.Study Room Issues:
i. Air-Cond is too freaking weak weak weak , hot hot hot
They will make the aircond even stronger
ii. Not enough power supply , or plugs , especially at the wall where they are facing outside
They will TRY to make more plugs
iii. Not enough chairs and tables
They say they can't really do much thing about that , basically the chairs and tables has already filled up the whole place , unless they found some new space

Library Issues:
i. Need more reference book for AS students
They agree with this point , they have to agree with it.. lolz , because some books are still at FICT , and I realize one thing, is that you can actually borrow a book from FICT without going to FICT, just have to request from FES library and it takes less than one week time ( But please have some 心理准备 that it might take up more than one week)
ii. Add more sets for newspaper
They say they will do that , especially on Chinese Newspaper like Xin Chew

4. DK Block Issues:
i. DK block girls toilet always no water supply, and always no toilet paper ( unless there are guests + VIP )
They will fix this problem.
ii. DK block has broken chairs and tables
They will fix this problem.

5.S Block Issues:
i. Water dispenser is producing yellowish and dirty water , sometimes even smelly
They said this is a very serious matter , they will fix it
ii. The computer lab in S block is not open
They said they are going to reopen it next semester , because this semester lack of staffs.

6. IT Issues:
i. Computers are slow , terrible and horrible
They know , they realize since the beginning , I'm not sure whether I'm complaining to the right person , and i'm not sure whether they will fix this problem , but they have noted down.
ii.Internet are slow and some areas do not have internet coverage
They will fix this problem

7. Course Registration Issues:
i. Flexi System is not flexi at all , always crash
I urge them to upgrade their server , but basically I don't think they will update. However, they come out with this solution, is that every different course will choose the subject at different different time, so at least there will not be Kampar , Sg. Long , PJ , Setapak (other course) fighting with us . And now right , they will limit number of students to go into the website in one time , so won't crash , however basically YOU STILL HAVE TO FIGHT TO REGISTER !!
iii.We do not know what will be offered in the coming and future semesters , so we can't plan our course structure
According to the Head Of Programme of Actuarial Science and Applied Mathematics with computing , you can go to his website to refer for future subjects .

Download Link: here

iv. Let the seniors have the priority to choose the subject first then the juniors
They said they did bring up this issue in their Board of Faculty stuffs , or what so ever meeting , they will try their best to persuade the ICTC people , but still is not under their power. They will bring this issue to our Professor Chuah , President to persuade the ICTC to do the programming , they are damn lazy people.
v. Change the UTAR Mail to our own Hotmail , Yahoo , Gmail
I requested that all E-Mails or announcement to send to our own private mail , basically nobody check UTAR Mail . I think this is not really a big problem for IT people to change the setting , but they still need to be forced.. again .. And they will give such reasons " Due to security reasons ....... " Yeah you know it.

Lol , they 1st said i take too many subjects , i said i follow the course structure and take de , 5 subjects only ma , the test berlambak lambak , no time to rest. They note down this complain too ,but trust me they're not going to do much about it too.

9. Academic Advisor Issues
I told them basically we can cancel this meeting up with advisor system , is a waste of time. However, this is actually a Law by the government , not UTAR. So we must follow. But one thing you can do is just send an email to your advisor then ok liao.

i. 1st come 1st serve basis
I requested to call them to change the parking system to 1st come 1st serve basis , some reps didn't really agree with my point. Then i said this " Imagine if you fight to be one of the first one to register the course , and UTAR randomly put you at a lousy time, how would you feel ?? That goes the same at here." The note this down too.
ii. Reallocate the parking lots, some are too large for normal cars
Basically the spaces are meant for Alphards or Mercedes , and we seldom see this kind of car in UTAR , we always see Proton + Myvi , design a carpark according to that is good enough. They note it down

iii. I always see a lot of "empty" carparks at certain times. I mean seriously is a waste of resource , because not all students study from 8am - 5 pm , everyday.
So then , This is what I propose:

Why not we follow the shopping mall style, as in students do not need to fight for the RM150 balloting .. Students should be charged RM1 - RM2 per entry when entering the University , then this RM1 - RM 2 can be bought by purchasing the ticket , just like purchasing the bus tickets. Maybe come out with various packages , RM10 , RM20 , RM50 , Rm100 , depends on the student.

So at least the spaces will be utilized , however lecturers will be given priority , maybe 50 - 80 spaces allocate for them.
They somehow agree with this, and see whether we can propose a change for this parking system.

They keep requesting us to go UTAR Feedback Form to complain , and they will reply you in 2 - 3 working days time , btw the complaints will be directed to our dean, so it would be useful, I you guys go that page and diao la.. That's all folks!


  1. Great job representing so many students' interest. Be happy that you are setting a fine example:)

  2. Everything also they say they'll try to fix it.. but i doubt that they will do anything about most of the issues..

  3. If you really want to make a difference, then organise yrself properly. i'm sure you have thot of forming student sub-groups, then into a proper committee and going around collecting signatures as support. The only way you can move the university is do it together as a student body. Good luck:)

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